Wednesday, May 8, 2013

The Storm Front Is Coming In From The Ocean...

Well the sky is alight with those colours that tell us we are in for a big load night of drama...and inside where it is warm and safe...a small boy gave an amazing performance that earns him a slice of warm chocolate cake fresh from the oven...THOSE EYES...THE TREMBLING LIPS...THE PLEADING...and of course I fell hook line and sinker...that is my job as mum...a total push over.....

The Best Times Are Had On The Beach...Together

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Thank You Donna Downey...

I am a watcher by nature, an observer of those around me.  In this last year or so I have had the worst of times, the loss of both of my parents after over a decade of caring for them.
My now tiny family of three has lost it's path, it's meaning and it's loadstone...
We are adrift.
We have been watching the world, travelled and observed, been quiet placing one foot in front of the other, standing still for such long periods trying to decide which direction to go in...
There came into my life during this time, a lady.
I have never met her and probably never will.
This lady is Donna Downey an artist I discovered by chance on my Internet travels...I voraciously ready her old blog posts, watched all her videos, followed her blog and Facebook posts...watching and thinking and learning and playing in my studio.
Not so very long ago Donna herself took a class and broke from her comfort zone to learn to paint the female face in her own signature style, she bravely shared and is sharing her journeys along this path.
I felt her need to learn.
I understood her desire to share in her journey, this is why I posted my first paintings/mixed medium journal attempts at faces as well....
I knew that was not enough...
I now have this blog so that I can share my artistic journeys, the good the bad and everything in between...
I will always be a watcher,
But now
I feel as if this is my breaking out of a comfortable role and the beginning of participating and sharing my own art and headspace...
This is not something I would have thought possible if it was not this sassy ladies...CAN DO...mantra...
Just do it...
Thank you Donna I just have...

My First Whimsy Girls...

Beginning This Journey at last...


I have not blogged before...
I have devoured them...
I wish to share...
I need to communicate...

To reach
To extend
To come out from under the covers
To explore

To just begin...